1. Even as God’s word states in Jeremiah 29:7, “Seek the peace of the city where I have caused you to be carried away captive and pray to the Lord for it; for in its peace, you will have peace” we declare this is the day for the love of God and the Kingdom of Jesus Christ to be established in our land. We decree and say that reconciliation, peace, self-control, and justice will become prevalent and desired as His Spirit moves. We agree that God’s original plans for peace, mercy, and hope will overwhelm every plan and purpose of the enemy, that a fresh revelation of forgiveness and reconciliation will be established within all cultures, that wounds will be healed – and every spirit of fear, pain, prejudice, anger, hatred, and every political spirit be overwhelmed.
2. As Psalm 133 states “how good and precious it is when God’s people dwell together in unity, we ask for the joining of the body of Christ in unity over this entire region. We ask that every spirit of offense, division, criticism, unforgiveness, church splits, gossip, jealousy, pride, competition, and complaining be repented of and that we would love one another with fervent hearts so the world can see the pure love of God.
3. We declare that local, state, and national government leaders would be influenced by the Spirit of God in all decision-making. We ask that you silence the voices of those who do not follow your heart and make loud the voices who desire what is right. May Godly people be elected and the ungodly be moved aside for righteousness to prevail.
4. According to 2 Chronicles 7:14- if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land- I personally repent of any secret, unconfessed sin, lack of prayer and bible reading and ask you to forgive me and personally revive me by your grace and power.
5. We declare divine direction, safety, and protection for ourselves, our families, and all our possessions (Exodus 8:2). We declare healing and good health for our bodies. Your Word says in Isaiah 58:8 that, “my health will spring forth speedily.” We declare that all bondages, strongholds, and addictions are broken off from our life (Isaiah 58:6). We declare that poverty is broken, and financial blessings are released (Isaiah 58:6). We declare that we have the power to cast out demons and heal the sick; our faith has increased (Matthew 17:41). We declare that the hand of the Lord is upon us and delivers us from all of our enemies (Isaiah 58:4). We declare that Your righteousness goes before us and that Your glory is our rear guard (Isaiah 58:8)
City Leaders:
- Eddie Haupt
City Council:
- Beverly Danner
- Jody Dixon
- Jerry Hodge
- Ed Sain
- John Stiver
- Roy Johnson
City Manager:
- Sean Hovis
City Clerk :
- Amy Falowski
Public Information Officer:
- Alex Frick
City Attorney:
- John Cilley IV
Chief Of Police:
- Vidal Sipe
Fire Chief:
- Kevin Yoder
- Don Brown
District Attorney:
- Scott Reilly
Clerk Of Court:
- Kim Sigmon