Learn to pray
Without establishing a life of prayer, we will never fully walk in what God has planned for our lives.
Monday Morning Prayer
Every Monday at 8:00am on campus
15-Minute Prayer Calls
Every Monday at 6:30PM
We encourage you to join Prayer Sessions via Zoom Online. These weekly 15 Minute sessions focus on praying over our city, church, and weekend services.
Prayer Relay
Every Tuesday from 6PM to Wednesday 6PM, we create a prayer relay to establish 24hrs of unhindered prayer to partner with what God is saying, doing, and wants to do within our homes and cities.
Choose a 30-45 minute time slot to pray
Get reminders of when your prayer time starts
Sunday Morning Prayer
Prayer Service at 8:00am in the auditorium
Prayer Room, located in the Church Office Building from 9:40AM to 10:40AM.