The Fire that Must Never Go Out (Leviticus 6:8-12)

The passage opens with a seemingly mundane instruction: keeping the fire on the altar burning constantly. This fire symbolizes our ongoing devotion to God. It's not a one-time event, but a continuous act of dedication.

The Contrast: Strange Fire and True Worship (Exodus 2 & Leviticus 10)

The sermon then uses contrasting stories from Exodus to illustrate the difference between "strange fire" and a genuine worship lifestyle.

  • Moses' Intervention (Exodus 2): Here, Moses acts out of anger and personal judgment.

  • The Burning Bush (Exodus 3): This encounter highlights God's initiative and Moses' curiosity. He approaches the wonder with reverence, not with a pre-determined agenda.

The "strange fire" of Leviticus 10 represents worship offered on our own terms, fueled by personal motives rather than a genuine desire to connect with God.

Key Questions for Reflection:

  • Do you have the spiritual curiosity of Moses at the burning bush? Are you open to encountering God in unexpected ways?

  • What's burning behind you? Are there unresolved issues or past hurts that hinder your worship?

  • What's burning in front of you? What is God calling you towards?

  • What's burning ahead of you? Do you approach the future with fear or with a sense of God's leading?

From the Ashes: Cultivating a Worship Lifestyle

By letting go of the "strange fire" of self-reliance and embracing a posture of open-hearted devotion, we can cultivate a true worship lifestyle – a life that burns brightly with love for God and reflects his light in the world.

This blog post is just a starting point for your reflection. We encourage you to revisit the sermon slides and delve deeper into the scriptures for a richer understanding.


Living in Holiness: Understanding God's Call to His People